Climate Change and You
Make Improvements at Home
Read tips on how to make your home more climate friendly, by focusing on:
- Improving the efficiency of your home
- Choosing energy efficient appliances
- Switching to a low carbon energy provider
Follow the 4R's
We are taught them at at primary school, and should live them everyday.
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
- Refuse
Follow the 4R’s, and greenhouse gas emissions are automatically reduced…. due to a reduction on waste sent to landfills and incinerators
Trees, Plants and Gardens
Growing native flowers and other plant species will all help improve the local biodiversity and the effects of Climate Change, while reducing carbon around us.
No idea where to start? We will teach you how to make compost.
Go for Green Transport
Where possible choose to walk and cycle as these forms of transport do not add any greenhouse gas emissions. If longer distances are required why not use Public Transport or car share with neighbours, friends or fellow colleagues for example, in order to reduce our individual Carbon footprints.
Shop Smarter. Shop Greener.
There are dozens of way to shop climate smarter, and save money, while reducing waste. Read on for our guide on the quick wins you can make every week.